Data & Information Processing is an advanced service that TDBI provide to our clients. To some level, this phase follows directly after the data acquisition, whereby both target-related internal and external data should be acquired and stored into TDBI Raw data system. Data & Information Processing is valued as the most important step in a project, since it directly determines and influences the research outcome. However, it is hard to set a general framework for this step. The reason is that diversified business targets and requirements will demand different data analysis methods, and only through tailor-made analysis, a most accurate research outcome can be generated for our clients. | |
Our Data & Information Processing follows the general process of: |
1) | Data categorization, selection and Purification |
2) |
Analysis Method Determination |
3) | Data Processing with Software, e.g.: SPSS, STATA, Eviews, Excel. |
4) | Outcome Prognosis |
5) | Results Interpretation |
6) | Report Producing |
Specifically, for technically demanding requirements, multivariate analysis will apply as the most popular technique method in our data & information processing phase. In economics and business, every subject, element, research point can be abstracted into multivariate analysis. In analysis, this technique is used to perform studies across multiple dimensions while taking into account the effects of all variables on the responses of interest. No matter in financial field or in manufacturing industry, no matter the problem is concerning the production output, sales volume, profit, potential market share, salary design, employees´ performance or anything else, every economic and business target can be translated into investigation of factor-relation and interaction. By defining the type of included elements, we can help our clients test expected factor-relations and find our unknown factor interactions in your business scope, through which a new window of your business is opened and you might also find potential opportunities for the future. Based on our report, you will have a clear and widened vision of your business and thus can make smart decision out of this. |