Macroeconomic Information Service
In addition to the micro-business-oriented service, TDBI also provide our clients with macroeconomic information service. Nowadays, the connection between business subjects and the general economic environment have become stronger. Especially, under globalization, it´s far from enough being just concentrating on own business. “Doing own business” and “keeping an eye on macroeconomic environment” should go hand in hand. We have a proficient team with strong economic background to gather and process macroeconomic information from all over the world, no matter the original information is in English, German or Chinese.

Macroeconomic Data & Indicator

We help you acquire the most accurate summary data and graphs of macroeconomic series with giving you links to the originator. Data will be organized in the following categories:

National Accounts: GDP, GNP index number, etc

Employment and Unemployment
Price Indices: CPI and overall price indices.
People´s living conditions and wage
Government Finance
Domestic Trade, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
Public Insurance System
Education and Culture

Macroeconomic Policy

Macroeconomic policy mainly consists of two parts: Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy

Fiscal Policy

Government Revenue

Taxation System, e.g.: The change of taxation structure and tax rate

Government Expenditure and structure
Unemployment and Employment: e.g.: Wage System
Welfare System and Construction: Social Security Policy
Monetary Policy


Interest Rate
Foreign Exchange Rate Practice and Regime
Capital Investment

Macroeconomic Analysis

Daily Information and Commentary

We offer you a summarized and organized daily view on macroeconomic affaires and events around the world

Premiere Economic Analysis and Research


News and Trend

Once you become our client in this service field, you can receive our daily economic service per Email, which is a summary of today´s economic events from most famous newspaper and magazines in the world. You will know the latest world every morning before your business work starts.